Coach Plus


Cover is only available if you’re a resident of the UK, for travel within and from the UK and repatriation will be from within or to the UK only.

The table below is a summary of the main cover limits.

Read the rest of the policy for the full terms and conditions.

Summary of Cover Cover

Cover limits and applicable excesses per person.

Section and cover Benefit (up to) Excess
1. Cancellation / Loss of Deposit £1,500 £60*
2. Travel Delay

- delayed departure

- abandonment

£60 (£20 first full 12 hrs, £10 each extra 12 hrs)

£1,500 (after 12 hrs)


3. Missed Departure £100 in England, Scotland & Wales
£300 for Northern Ireland, Isles of Scilly, Channel Islands, Isle of Man & Europe
4. Personal accident £10,000 (subject to age limits) Nil
5. Medical & Other Expenses (including Curtailment and Repatriation)

Funeral expenses abroad

Taxi fares & telephone calls
£1,000,000 - outside the UK medical (emergency dental treatment limited to £350).
Additional travel, accommodation & repatriation expenses if you are hospitalised or have to stay beyond your return date (trips solely within the UK are limited to £1,500 and to £300 for additional travelling expenses).

6. Hospital Benefit
-Trips solely within the UK
£15 each 24-hour period, max £450
£10 each 24-hour period, max £100
7. Personal Property
- Single item, pair or set
- Valuable limit
Delayed Baggage
Personal Money
- Children aged under 16

8. Loss of Passport Expenses £200 including loss or theft of visa Nil
9. Personal Liability £1,000,000 Nil
10. Legal Costs & Expenses £25,000 Nil

* Excess only applies for cancellation of a journey over 3 days duration (Nil excess for loss of deposit). Inner limits – some sections of cover also have extra sub-limits, for example the personal accident section has a benefit limit depending on the age of the person